Dhanush’s latest film, Raayan, has become a blockbuster hit at the box office. Directed by Dhanush himself, this emotional family drama showcases a talented cast, including Tally Wood young hero Sundeep Kishan, Prakash Raj, Sarath Kumar, Rao Ramesh, Ravi Shankar, Posani Krishna Murali, Aamani, Jeeva, Benarjee, Brahmaji, and Rajitha. Dushara Vijayan takes on the important role of Dhanush’s sister in the film.
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And This Film Produced on a grand scale by Kalanidi Maranson Pictures, Raayan has generated significant excitement, thanks to its trailer, teaser, and songs. The film hit theaters on July 26 and received rave reviews across all locations. It grossed over Rs 100 crores in Tamil Nadu alone, and the collections in Tollywood have also been impressive.
As Raayan enjoys its success in theaters, it is now making its way to streaming platforms. The film will begin streaming on Amazon Prime Video starting August 23. Viewers can enjoy the film in multiple languages, including Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam, Kannada, and Hindi. This film also marks a significant milestone as Dhanush’s 50th movie, adding to the excitement surrounding its release. Fans eagerly anticipate its arrival on OTT, hoping to experience the emotional journey that Raayan promises.
The R in Raayan stands for Revenge and it's best served cold #RaayanOnPrime, Watch Now: https://t.co/IhzmtJXqBD@dhanushkraja @arrahman @iam_SJSuryah @selvaraghavan @kalidas700 @sundeepkishan @prakashraaj @officialdushara @Aparnabala2 @varusarath5 #Saravanan pic.twitter.com/5GBQDsKB0x
— prime video IN (@PrimeVideoIN) August 23, 2024