Pawan Kalyan has taken on the role of Deputy Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh. During a recent government meeting, fans began chanting “OG, OG.” Pawan Kalyan paused his speech and acknowledged the cheers, saying he would watch the film. He expressed his appreciation for the love shown for the movie, but reminded everyone that politics and cinema are different.
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“Democracy is distinct from cinema. Film is a dream, capturing what we often see as unattainable in our lives,” he explained. He pointed out that a film typically runs for two and a half hours, enough time to tell a story of loss and victory, like becoming Deputy Chief Minister. However, he emphasized that real life is not that simple. “I don’t know if it’s real or not. Family members should stay at home. Cases get filed—attempted murder cases and others. It takes a decade to navigate through all this turmoil. You can compress a decade into two and a half hours for a film, but that’s why films are not just for me. Cinema exists for entertainment and to inspire patriotism in our country.
I appreciate your chants of ‘OG, OG,’ and yes, if you watch, I will also earn money, but I am very clear about the responsibilities I took on in film politics,” he concluded.
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