Moon, Earth’s only Natural Satellite, has been focus of many studies from a long time. Pioneer, Luna, Apollo, Chang’e, Chandrayaan, Artemis and many lunar missions have made it object of focus to determine whether human settlements are possible on our satellite in the event of Apocalypse or Earth eradication event.
While determining whether Moon can be converted into habitable space has been one of the major objectives, study of lunar surface does give us a picture into origin of Earth and composition of early Solar System as well. Hence, many countries pursue the study of our satellite with great passion. Indian Chandrayaan missions have been concentrating on South Pole of the satellite.
To determine the possiblity of availability of water at poles has been the major objective for Chandrayaan-1 mission. Now, with Chandrayaan-3, ISRO has decided to determine the soil composition of Moon. Taking samples from South Pole using Pragyan rover, ISRO focused on collecting data ranging from temperature to seismological measurements.

Pragyan deployed alpha-particle X-ray Spectrometer (APXS) to collect data for 10 days with 23 stops. The data has been analysed by Physical Research Laboratory in Ahmedabad. They stated that the data confirms Moon was a Molten Rock or an Ocean of Magma when formed. All 23 samples contained a mineral called ferroan anorthosite.
Also, scientists compared the data with previous landers’ samples from latitude zones and equator. Chandrayaan-3 has been able to collect data from sub-polar regions for the first time. Hence, the scientists have concluded the composition of regolith is uniform on Moon’s surface. With this revelation, scientists could even draw back conclusion about earth’s evolution as well to estimate its future.