Ravi Teja, affectionately known as the Mass Maharaja, is a self-made star in the Telugu film industry. However, despite the strength implied by his name, his recent films seem to lack the spark that once defined him. It may be hard for fans to hear, but it’s the truth. When asked about his last super hit, it’s difficult to name one immediately. While “Dhamaka” had some success, much of the credit goes to the dancing sensation Sreeleela. Even though “Waltair Veerayya” was a hit, Ravi Teja only had a guest role in it. His last solo hit was “Krack” in 2021, where his performance and comedic timing reminded fans of the vintage Ravi Teja. Unfortunately, that vintage Ravi Teja seems to be missing in his recent films.
In fact, out of Ravi Teja’s last ten films, “Krack” is the only solo hit. The fact that many people aren’t even aware of movies like “Ravanasura” and “Ramarao on Duty” speaks volumes about the current state of his career. The only new element in his films seems to be the heroines, who often have no significant role other than a few dance steps and kissing scenes. Despite delivering several flops, Ravi Teja continues to charge a high remuneration and keeps working on back-to-back projects.
However, it’s important to note that Ravi Teja’s acting has not been criticized in these films. The primary issue has been his choice of weak scripts, leading to the flops. His fans hope that if he starts being more selective with his scripts and avoids compromises, a return to his vintage form and hitting it big again is not out of reach. Whether or not Ravi Teja takes this to heart remains to be seen.