Actress Priyanka Chopra has recently made a splash on social media by creating an Instagram account for her daughter, Malti Mary Jonas. During her visit to Mumbai for her brother Siddharth Chopra’s engagement ceremony, Priyanka shared this exciting news. On Wednesday, she posted pictures from the event on her Instagram profile and introduced her daughter’s official Instagram handle, @Multimarie. While Priyanka and her husband, Nick Jonas, have previously shared glimpses of their daughter without revealing her face, this new account marks a dedicated space for Malti.
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Priyanka Chopra is in India to celebrate her brother Siddharth Chopra’s engagement to actress Neelam Upadhyay. The engagement ceremony took place in Mumbai on August 23, and Priyanka was a vision in a stunning saree. She shared a variety of pictures and videos from the festive occasion, providing fans with a glimpse into the family celebration.
In addition to her family commitments, Priyanka Chopra is gearing up for her professional comeback with the second season of the popular spy-thriller series “Citadel.” The new season, directed by Joe Russo, is set to debut later this year. Priyanka will reprise her role as Nadia, while Richard Madden will return as Mason Kane. The show’s first season garnered significant attention, and the anticipation for the second season is already building.
With her personal and professional life in the spotlight, Priyanka Chopra continues to captivate fans both on and off the screen, making headlines with both her family updates and upcoming projects.
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