Pan-Indian star Prabhas has officially announced his next film, which will be directed by Hanu Raghavapudi. According to reports, the movie has been tentatively titled “Fauji,” and it is expected to be an epic period action drama. The film will be produced by Mythri Movie Makers, a leading production house in the industry.
There is speculation that the pooja ceremony for the film will take place on Saturday, marking the official start of the project. Meanwhile, Mythri Movie Makers has stirred excitement among fans by posting a puzzle on social media earlier today. The puzzle, if decoded, is expected to reveal important information about the film at 04:05 pm on Saturday.
Fans are eagerly waiting to see if the official details about the cast will be unveiled and if the production team will address the many questions surrounding the shooting schedule. All eyes are on the announcement later today to see what surprises the filmmakers have in store.
4 P R A B H A S 0 5
1 7 H A N U 0 8 2 4— Mythri Movie Makers (@MythriOfficial) August 17, 2024