Natural star Nani is busy promoting his next movie, Saripodhaa Sanivaaram, scheduled for 29th August release. As part of promotions, he made a memorable return to the Telugu Indian Idol Season 3 stage, gracing the 19th and 20th episodes of the popular show.
In a thrilling segment of the episodes, Nani introduced his favorite track from his eagerly anticipated film ‘Saripodhaa Sanivaaram’. The audience was thrilled when the actor made a special request for the show’s talented judge and singer, Karthik, to join him on stage for a live performance of ”Anukundey Jarginda,” a song that hadn’t been released, yet by the makers.
Nani not only joined Karthik in singing the infectious ”Anukundey Jarginda” but also set the stage ablaze with his energetic dance moves. Expressing his admiration, Nani thanked Karthik for his enchanting performance, lauding his magical vocals and confessing to being hooked on the song. The impromptu performance left everyone in awe and added an unforgettable moment to the evening.
In addition to the musical highlight, Nani revealed interesting details about his upcoming film, ‘Saripodhaa Sanivaaram,’ and explained what drew him to the script. He also expressed his excitement about potential future collaborations with Telugu Indian Idol 3.
When asked about the secret to a happy marriage by host Sreeram Chandra, Nani shared heartfelt reflections on balancing his demanding career with his personal life. “Acting is a whirlwind,” he confessed, “but having a rock like my wife by my side makes all the difference. She’s my peace amidst the chaos.”
To witness Nani’s candid revelations, and infectious charm, tune into Telugu Indian Idol Season 3 on AHA this Friday and Saturday at 7 PM.