Director Vivek Athreya, Natural Star Nani is Currently preparing for the release of his upcoming film Saripodhaa Sanivaaram, which will hit screens on August 29. Nani has been actively promoting the film through a series of interviews. In a recent interview, he addressed rumors about Bollywood actress Janhvi Kapoor being cast as the female lead in his next project.
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Nani stated, “It’s just a rumor that Janhvi Kapoor will play the female lead in my next film. There may be discussions about casting her, but the script work is still ongoing. I’ve been busy with various shoots, so I don’t have all the details about my next project yet.”
Janhvi Kapoor, a leading figure in Bollywood, is currently involved in several Tollywood projects. She will appear alongside Jr NTR in Deva, with the first part releasing on September 27. Additionally, she will feature in a film with Ram Charan and Buchi Babu Sana. If Janhvi decides to join Nani’s film, it will mark her third Telugu project. Nani is also expected to collaborate with directors Shailesh Kolanu, known for Hit 3, or Sujeeth in his upcoming film.