Mohanlal has announced his resignation as president of AMMA (Association of Malayalam Movie Artists). During an online meeting with the governing body members, Mohanlal became emotional while discussing the current situation. Before making this decision, he consulted with Mammootty, who supported his choice, saying it was a good decision.
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This resignation comes in the wake of the Hema Committee report, which has prompted mass resignations within the Malayalam star organization. While all governing body members have resigned, Mohanlal was the first to announce his departure. A total of 17 members have stepped down. Recently, tensions have arisen within the organization, with Vice President Jagadish and some male and female actors reportedly turning against the ruling party.
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Mohanlal expressed his concern about the ongoing crisis facing AMMA and indicated that he felt the need for change. He has yet to make a public statement regarding the matter, but AMMA has confirmed his resignation. In today’s discussions, young actors and actresses, including Vice President Jagadish and Prithviraj, voiced their opinions openly. It appears they have decided to engage with the public on this issue, leading to Mohanlal’s announcement of his resignation from the presidency of AMMA. The general body is expected to meet in two months to elect a new governing body, while the current administration will remain in place until then.