The Justice Hema Committee report on the status of women in the Malayalam film industry has revealed shocking facts, making it a hot topic within the film community. Actor Nani has spoken out about this issue, stating, “We are living in terrible conditions. The recent rape of a medical student in Kolkata has shaken me.”
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He expressed his shock upon reading the committee’s report, saying, “When we consider the sexual harassment of women, it seems we are in a very bad situation. The Kolkata incident has deeply affected me. The pain of the past still haunts me. Honestly, I’m afraid to even scroll through my phone. We use social media a lot, and overuse always poses a risk. Whenever I hear about atrocities against women, it lingers with me. Twenty years ago, things were completely different. Women had better protection then. The situation is much worse now.”
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Previously, Nani had also reacted to the Hema Committee report, expressing his heartbreak upon learning about the findings. He noted, “I have never witnessed anything like this happening on or around my sets.” Justice Hema’s committee has compiled a report on the status of women in the Malayalam film industry, unveiling many surprising revelations. Several celebrities from the industry have shared their views on this pressing issue.