A new bus stand will be constructed in Tirupati, with the NHLM committee recently visiting the site. MP Gurumurthy, accompanied by the committee’s CEO Prakash Gaur and project director Pooja Mishra, reviewed the premises and discussed various issues. Gurumurthy announced that a presentation on the new bus stand designs would soon be given to CM Chandrababu, and construction would begin once the State government grants approval.
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NH CEO Prakash Gaur stated that the new bus stand will be completed within three years and will feature modern facilities. The design will cater to both passengers and devotees, with amenities including a food court, cinema theatres, and a shopping mall.
MP Gurumurthy, along with NHLM committee CEO Prakash Gaur and project director Pooja Mishra, inspected the bus stand on the orders of Union Minister Gadkari. Gurumurthy mentioned that the construction should have started last year, but bus services had been suspended due to the election code of conduct. Design changes are currently underway. He also noted that former CM Jagan was responsible for the project’s initiation and expressed gratitude to Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Gurumurthy emphasized the need for the NDA government to approve the designs promptly and issue tenders, as central assistance is crucial for the bus stand’s construction.