Vijay Varma is poised to lead the cast of the upcoming series IC 814: The Kandahar Hijack, which delves into one of the most notorious hijackings in aviation history. The series is set against the backdrop of the 1999 Indian Airlines hijacking, where flight IC 814, en route from Kathmandu to Delhi with 176 passengers and crew, was forcibly diverted to Kabul by hijackers. The gripping narrative is inspired by Captain Devisaran and Srinjoy Choudhury’s book Flight Into Fear and is brought to life by director Anubhav Sinha.
The show has sparked significant controversy, particularly concerning the depiction of the hijackers. This controversy has drawn the attention of the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, which has summoned the content head of Netflix India for an explanation. Officials are seeking clarity on the issues that have fueled the debate surrounding the series.
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IC 814: The Kandahar Hijack examines the intense and harrowing events of the hijacking. The plot covers the critical moments when the hijackers, armed and threatening the captain, forced the plane to alter its course. The series explores the complexities faced by the Indian government as it negotiated with the terrorists, striving to secure the safety of the passengers and crew under immense pressure.
Released on Netflix on August 29, the series has garnered a favorable response from critics, who have praised its portrayal of a high-stakes historical event. As the controversy continues, the series remains a poignant recount of a significant chapter in aviation history.