“Stree 2,” a horror-comedy starring Rajkummar Rao and Shraddha Kapoor, has generated significant buzz. Sunil Kumar, who plays a role in the film, recently shared insights about his unique career journey. Once a constable in the Jammu and Kashmir Police, Kumar, standing at an impressive 7.7 feet tall, has found diverse opportunities in the film industry.
In a recent interview, Sunil Kumar revealed his experience working on the film “Kalki 2898 AD,” where he had the chance to act alongside Amitabh Bachchan and Prabhas. Kumar recounted his excitement, saying, “Our entire family is a fan of Amitabh Bachchan. I had the opportunity to work with him as a dupe in ‘Kalki 2898 AD’ because of my height. The shoot was incredibly fun, and I have many pictures from the set. I will always remember the first time I stepped onto the sets of ‘Kalki.’ Prabhas and Amitabh were chatting when I arrived. Amitabh, standing next to me, joked about my height and asked for a picture, saying, ‘Everyone calls me a very tall man. I finally met someone taller than me.'”
“Kalki 2898 AD,” directed by Nag Ashwin and released on June 27, is a sci-fi film featuring a stellar cast including Amitabh Bachchan, Kamal Haasan, Dulquer Salmaan, and Vijay Deverakonda in cameo roles. Prabhas’s role and the film’s finale have already set high expectations for the sequel.
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