Stree 2, the sequel to 2018 comedy horror film, Stree has opened huge at the box office. Movie shocked box office experts and analysts with pre-booking and massive preview show bookings. It crossed long standing preview shows record of Shah Rukh Khan’s Chennai Express with Rs.8 crores collections from previews. And on the first day, it crossed Rs.50 crores at the box office.
Stree became a huge success with the funny one-liners and decent thrills six years ago. With repeated viewings, the main characters played by Rajkummar Rao, Abhishek Banerjee, Aparshakti Khurrana, Pankaj Tripati and leading lady Shraddha Kapoor have earned massive following. Maddock films with its success got inspired to create Maddock Supernatural Series.
They have now connected Bhediya, Munjya films while added Akshay Kumar to be part of this Universe. Varun Dhawan made a cameo as Bhediya and Akshay Kumar’s character will be explored more in upcoming films. Shraddha Kapoor received massive uproar for her entry in this sequel and the box office response cemented the excitement for the Universe.
Stree 2 collected a massive Rs.53.25 crores Nett on opening day helped by Independence Day holiday. Even Gadar 2 collected huge last year around the same time. Director Amar Kaushik has huge plans for Supernatural Universe and with Stree 2 becoming such a blockbuster, we can hope for even bigger things to happen in this universe like MCU.