Ruhani Sharma made her debut in Telugu with the film Chi La Sow. After that, she did a lot of different roles in her films. In fact, she has a good family image. But her film Agra has now brought her a bold image. On this Ruhani Sharma recently shared an emotional post expressing her deep pain and frustration after romantic scenes from her film Agra went viral on social media following its release on OTT platforms. She voiced her disappointment that the focus on these scenes overshadowed the hard work and dedication that went into making the film.
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Ruhani emphasized that creating a film is a challenging process that involves countless sleepless nights and immense effort. She expressed concern that people were ignoring the film’s artistry and instead focusing on a few isolated scenes, which she felt was unfair.
She proudly mentioned that Agra premiered at the 2023 Cannes Film Festival, a significant achievement that brought international acclaim to the film and its team. Ruhani urged viewers to appreciate the entire film and not reduce it to just a few moments. She highlighted the emotional toll such controversies take on artists and called for greater respect for their work.
— Ruhani Sharma (@iRuhaniSharma) August 24, 2024