Kangana Ranaut’s highly anticipated film Emergency is scheduled for release on September 6, but the movie’s journey has hit yet another hurdle. The film has been postponed several times and is now facing objections from the censor board, which has raised several concerns about its content.
In a recent interview, Kangana Ranaut expressed her disappointment and frustration over the situation. “Emergency has been unfairly targeted,” she said. “It’s very disheartening to see this happening.” Ranaut did not hold back in her criticism of the censor board, questioning the existing standards and regulations.
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“What is the law in this country?” Ranaut asked. “There seems to be a lack of proper censorship. You can display unexpected violence and vulgarity, and those with political connections can distort real-life events to suit their narratives. There is so much freedom for such content, but we don’t have the same freedom to make films that address India’s integrity and unity.”
Ranaut highlighted what she sees as a disparity in the treatment of different films. “Only a few of us face these restrictions,” she said. “It’s incredibly unfair.” She emphasized that Emergency has been made with a strong sense of self-respect and integrity.
Determined to see her vision come to fruition, Ranaut stated that she is prepared to take legal action if the censor board does not issue a certificate for the film. Her commitment to her project underscores the ongoing debate over creative freedom and censorship in Indian cinema.
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