Thalapathy Vijay, the beloved star hero of Tamil cinema, is set to make a significant leap into politics. With a strong fan base and a powerful presence in the film industry, Vijay has announced his plans to contest for 324 seats in the upcoming 2026 assembly elections. His entry into politics marks a new chapter in his career, as he shifts his focus to party work and community welfare.
In line with his political aspirations, Vijay recently launched the ‘Tamil Vetri Kazhagam’ party. The unveiling of the party’s flag is scheduled for August 22, a significant event that fans and supporters eagerly anticipate. In his statement regarding the flag launch, Vijay expressed his commitment to working for the welfare of Tamil Nadu. He described the flag as a symbol of bravery and victory for the state, which he hopes will resonate with the people of Tamil Nadu.
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Vijay also announced that he would release a new song alongside the flag, further energizing his supporters. “From tomorrow, our flag will fly all over the country. Tamil Nadu will win,” he stated confidently. The flag of the Tamil Nadu Victory Kazhagam will be unfurled at the headquarters secretariat in Panayur at 9:15 AM tomorrow. This event is expected to draw a large crowd of fans and political enthusiasts eager to witness this historic moment.
Just two days prior, photos of Vijay rehearsing at the headquarters and preparing to hoist the Tamil Nadu Victory Kazhagam party flag went viral on social media, generating excitement among his followers. With his charismatic personality and dedication to the people, Vijay’s entry into politics could significantly impact the political landscape in Tamil Nadu.