The Vijay Deverakonda has become one of the young stars of Telugu Cinema, who draws huge crowds to theatres. He is now coming up with Family Star, in the direction of his Geetha Govindam movie director Parasuram Petla. They both have teamed up with popular producer – distributor of Telugu Cinema, Dil Raju.
Movie has been started with an aim to release for Sankranti post Kushi release. But the makers have decided to postpone the film release as Sankranti seemed too packed with big films. They did not announce the release date until 2nd February, 2024. They have confirmed the release date that has been held by Devara, that is, 5th April 2024.
As Devara is confirmed to be postponed to another date due to delay in VFX work, Family Star team has decided to use the date. The release date has major advantages with extended holiday weekend and early summer season. With such advantages, if movie gets a great word of mouth, it can end up being the biggest blockbuster success that The Vijay Deverakonda is waiting for.
Mrunal Thakur after Sita Ramam and Hi Nanna will be seen playing leading lady role in this movie. She will be seen as the wife of Vijay Deverakonda who is playing a complete family man for the first time in this film. Gopi Sundar is back to compose music for this film after Geetha Govindam and Mohanan is handling cinematography. Post this film, Vijay will go on to star in Gowtam Tinnanuri’s Spy Thriller.