The trailer for “The GOAT”, starring Thalapathy Vijay and directed by Venkat Prabhu, has created a sensation by surpassing the total lifetime views of the “Kanguva” trailer within just 25 hours of its release. This achievement reflects the immense excitement and anticipation for the film, which is set to hit theaters on the 5th of next month.
“The GOAT” is one of the most awaited pan-India movies, with extensive music promotions already underway to build momentum before its release. The film’s impressive trailer performance highlights the effectiveness of its promotional strategy and the high level of interest from fans across the country.
With a strong marketing push and significant fan engagement, “The GOAT” is positioned as a major release, and its early success suggests that it could make a significant impact upon its theatrical debut. As the release date approaches, anticipation continues to build for what promises to be a major cinematic event.