Rajkummar Rao and Shraddha Kapoor starrer Stree 2 is one of the most anticipated films in Bollywood. The film was released on the occasion of Independence Day on Thursday. The film has registered huge collections on the first day. the film grossed ₹76.5 crore in India On its opening day, per the makers. On day 2, it grossed over ₹41 crore. and this film has grossed ₹118 crore at the box office in India in two days, as per the makers. Now that the weekend’s here, and with Raksha Bandhan on Monday, business is expected to pick up, helping add to Stree 2’s success at the box office in India. According to trade website Saaknilk, the film has emerged as the biggest opener of the year in the Hindi film industry. In this sequence, ‘Stree 2’ has crossed the opening day collection of Fighter, Kalki 2898 AD (Hindi) with a double margin
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Both the films collected Rs. 22-24 crore. Now ‘Stree 2’ has overtaken with a double margin and has become the talk of the town. Not only will it be the biggest opener in Bollywood in 2024. “” “Stree 2” “has made it to the list of top 10 Hindi movie openers.” Among the films released on the background of a long weekend, this crazy sequel film shows its charm. The film has been directed by Amar Kaushik. While part 1 was a huge hit, part 2 has already created a lot of buzz. The film has set a new record in Hindi cinema. Meanwhile, the day 2 of the film seems to have registered huge bookings on BookMyShow. On the second day, the film recorded more than 7 lakh 39 thousand bookings. This is a record since 2898 AD. However, it remains to be seen where the film ends.