Natural Star Nani and talented director Vivek Athreya reunited for an atypical action extravaganza Saripodhaa Sanivaaram being produced grandly by DVV Danayya and Kalyan Dasari on DVV Entertainment. The makers dropped the film’s theatrical trailer yesterday in Sudarshan 35 MM, in the presence of a massive crowd, and it received a tremendous response.
Vivek Athreya boldly unveiled the film’s storyline through the trailer, which was sharply cut with engaging elements throughout. The powerful battle between Nani and SJ Suryah serves as the driving force.
Both Nani and SJ Suryah spellbound the audience with their intense performances. The trailer also introduced other prominent characters. Murali G’s vibrant visuals and Jakes Bejoy’s terrific score elevated the narrative to another level. The production standards looked solid.
The video clocked 11 Million+ digital views and is currently trending top on YouTube and other social media platforms. The movie starring Nani, with sky-high expectations will be hitting the screens on August 29th.