“Hello baby” motion poster launched by actress Nandita Shweta

Nandita Swetha launches Hello Baby Motion Poster

Nandita Swetha launches Hello Baby Motion Poster

SKML motion pictures previously released 6 movies. HELLO BABY is their 7th movie and it is going to release soon in theatres. They have released their motion poster , recently. Popular actress Nandita Shweta has unveiled the poster and wished success to the team.

Producer Kandregula AdhiNarayana told that its the First Indian hacking movie with solo character which is directed by Ram gopal ratnam and acted by Kavya Keerthi, DOP Ramana k Naidu , music given by Sukumar pammi edited by Sairam tatipalli.

Nanditha Swetha releases Hello Baby Motion Poster
Nanditha Swetha releases Hello Baby Motion Poster

Nanditha Swetha after releasing the poster told it’s looking crispy and sure she believed audience always encourage new concepts.

King Nagarjuna’s “Naa Saami Ranga” to premier on Disney Plus Hotstar on this date!

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