Aparna Das has become popular with her performance in Beast and Dada. She appeared in Telugu Cinema Aadikeshava as well. She made her acting debut in Malayalam Cinema with Njan Prakashan. Now, the actress has got married to Manjummel Boys, Deepak Parambol. Both got married at Guruvayoor Temple, Kerala in traditional style.
The couple did not go for huge wedding prep or celebrations. They have decided to get married in the temple in the presence of their family members. Aparna Das and Deepak shared their married photos photographed by a popular photographer.
Without spending too much of amount on wedding rituals, they have set an example to keep it simple. With so many celebrities going for exotic locations and spending huge amounts, Deepak and Aparna have showcased how you can make it intimate and simple. In the pics, both of them, look completely adorable, don’t they?
We wish both Deepak and Aparna Das a happy married life and great success in all their upcoming projects. Deepak Parambol has been active in Malayalam Cinema from 2010 and he has made a name for himself as a good actor. Aparna Das also made a name for herself.
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