In a recent interview, Bollywood actress Ananya Panday shed light on the pressing issues women face today, describing the current environment as a “dark time” for women. Panday highlighted the ongoing problem of sexual harassment and emphasized the need for greater societal awareness and legal reforms to address these issues.
Panday expressed her concern over the pervasive nature of sexual harassment, stressing the importance of vigilance and awareness. “Women need to be aware of what’s happening in society,” she said. “We are in a very difficult situation right now. It’s a dark time for women, and it’s crucial to think about how we can stop these attacks. We all need to be aware of our surroundings and advocate for legal changes. The government should take decisive steps to address this critical issue.
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In the same interview, Panday also touched on her experiences with the film industry, particularly with her recent film Liger. She emphasized the significance of heroines asserting their opinions on film scripts. “When I receive a script that doesn’t feel right, I speak up,” she explained. “After reading the script for Liger, I suggested a few changes. The team took my advice, and I was very pleased with the outcome. It’s important for everyone to voice their opinions and contribute to the creative process.”
Panday’s comments reflect her commitment to addressing both societal issues and advocating for more active participation in the film industry. Her statements underscore a broader call for change and highlight the importance of empowering women to speak out and effect positive change.