Actresses in the Malayalam film industry continue to face sexual harassment, according to recent allegations. Following the resignations of director Ranjith and actor Siddique from a project, actress Minu Muneer and five other actors have come forward with serious accusations. Minu Muneer revealed that in 2013, she was sexually harassed by actor Mukesh (Saritha’s ex-husband), Jayasurya, Maniyanpilla Raju, and Idavela Babu. She shared that the harassment became unbearable, leading her to leave the Malayalam film industry and relocate to Chennai.
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Minu Muneer has called for an investigation into these allegations. She described an incident during a film shoot in 2013 when Jayasurya allegedly hugged and kissed her without her consent as she exited a bathroom. Additionally, she accused Idavela Babu of inviting her to his home under the pretense of helping her apply for membership in the Malayalam Film Artistes Association, only to sexually harass her. Mukesh, now a sitting MLA of the CPI(M), allegedly denied her membership, implying he would only grant it if she agreed to his sexual advances. Maniyanpilla Raju is also accused of similar misconduct.
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Minu Muneer stated that these incidents caused her significant mental and physical distress, but she is now seeking justice. In response to the Hema Committee report, which has already sent shockwaves through the Malayalam film industry, the Kerala government has established a seven-member Special Investigation Team to probe these explosive allegations. Minu Muneer insists that despite the trauma she endured, justice must prevail.